Lesli Marshall is a designer, art consultant, curator and mixed media artist based out of Dallas, Texas, who specializes in enhancing commercial and residential spaces with custom design solutions.
Marshall also creates large mural installations using mixed media.
Her last work, titled "We are all connected", is for the Facebook Data Center.
Over the course of three months Marshall has built her sculpure with wood, metal and computer parts (mouse, keyboards etc).
Before she has built and painted parts of the wooden hands; then she has assembled the pieces even with computer parts and in the end, she has painted the wall.
View her Making of
Lesli Marshall
Marshall also creates large mural installations using mixed media.
Her last work, titled "We are all connected", is for the Facebook Data Center.
Over the course of three months Marshall has built her sculpure with wood, metal and computer parts (mouse, keyboards etc).
Before she has built and painted parts of the wooden hands; then she has assembled the pieces even with computer parts and in the end, she has painted the wall.
View her Making of
Lesli Marshall
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We Are All Connected
An unique murale/installation of the artist of Dallas (Texas), Lesli Marshall, into Facebook's Fort ...
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