A wall of 5.5 x 10 meters, three weeks of work, an extraordinary and impressive mural.
Author? The young and talented Andrea Meli, born and raised in San Gavino Monreale.
After his last work Liberty dedicated to Gianfranco Gilardi, a municipal employee who died prematurely, Andrea painted another mural as a tribute to Eleonora d'Arborea.
A wonderful visual impact both for the size that for the various shades of colors.
San Gavino is enriched by a new mural with the help and contribution of the boys of Uno spruzzo di arte e colore that are transforming the country in an open-air museum with the complicity and enthusiasm of their fellow citizens.
Eleonora d'Arborea is considered a warrior queen and heroine for the Sardinia.
A noble woman, a symbol of perseverance and tenacity. She unified Sardinia under the control of Arborea and she realized the dream for freedom and liberation of the island from ancient dominations.
For this reason the Giudicessa also represents a symbol of freedom and peace thanks to her strategic skills, intuitions and deeds.
Flagship of her policy was the Carta de Logu. It was a legal code, a distillation of modernity and wisdom, a work of great importance in Sardinian history.
Hence the idea of Andrea to immortalize Eleonora.
<< Eleonora is a symbol of peace even though she was a warrior. In fact, my idea wasn't to represent it as a "person" but as a statue >>, says Andrea.
<< I wanted to idealize her figure, trying to depict Eleonora for what he represented and not for what it was. >>
Another important detail is the depiction of the lion at the right hand of the statue.
<< The lion is found under the statue placed in the center of the Eleonora square Oristano. It 'a symbol of strength, kingship and protection. And I wanted to depict it as the protector of the judged of Arborea. >>
In fact, the artist has painted the coat of arms of Arborea under the lion's paw.
Andrea: << I wanted to give the community a part of me, with what allows me to express myself better: the art!
I hope that my contribution could be useful to the rebirth of the country of recent years, thanks to the continued efforts of all the volunteers and the munipacility.
Art is important and it can give an impetus for change.
Through a wall painting you can also color the mentality of a country. >>.
What else? The work speaks for itself.
If you visit San Gavino, don't miss the change to visit the mural!
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Citations and References
Andrea Meli
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Citations and References
Andrea Meli