Freedom - A mural for the ArtUnitedUs initiative in Kiev

Kiev, Ukraine - In May 2016 Alex Maksiov has painted a new mural in Kiev, Ukraine, 18x15 meters. Work is called "Freedom" and was created within the Art .....

Scritto da diema
pubblicato il 11/01/2017 aggiornato il 04/08/2017
Autore: Alex Maksiov
Categoria: murales
Letture: 556 ( Aggiornato il: 10/02/2025 01:05 )

Alex Maksiov is one of the pioneer street artists to create 3d street painting in Ukraine.

In May 2016 the ukrainian artist has painted a new mural in Kiev, Ukraine, 18x15 meters.
Work is called Freedom and was created within the Art United Us initiative, curated by Geo Leros, Iryna Kanishcheva, Waone Interesni Kazki.

ArtUnitedUs is an international project to raise public awareness and attention to the problem of war, aggression and violence.

Why did you choose this theme?
Alex: << The theme is connected with freedom cause theme of the project connected with Ukraine, for now theme of freedom more relevant to Ukraine and for mentality of ukrainian people. >>

What is your hidden message behind your work?
Alex: << The message is bird like a symbol of freedom watching through the bulb lump like through a sphere, like a barier between humanity (*inside of the window) and freedom. >>

Did you work never in Italy?
Alex: << I haven't worked like muralist in Italy, hope will do it soon.. >>

Thank you Alex for your time and kindness.
I hope to write an article on your first mural in Italy, soon.

If you don't know his spectacular works in 3D, visit its Facebook page and its website.

Informations & Photo: @Alex

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La maggior parte delle associazioni investono le quote dei biglietti per finanziare e sostenere ulteriori progetti di riqualificazione artistica urbana.
Quindi, approfittatene! >>
Diego Magrì (gea-staff)

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